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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Understanding the full power of WebDocsNetwork and what it means for you.

The first thing that I personally would like to say.  Welcome to my blog. It is my hope this blog will be able to inform you on WebDocsNetwork . I was introduced to WebDocsNetwork about 1 month ago.  At first I thought to myself  wow.  The idea that a person can have a doctor call them and talk to a Doctor with in 15 minutes of a (app).  That was something I personally never heard before.  WebDocsNetwork is not insurance and  let me put that to rest.   Will never be insurance!!!!!   How can I say this it's a service, not insurance.  So if you have insurance that's great, " good for you".   WebsDocsNetwork works right along side your insurance. If you do not have insurance WebDocsNetwork is the next best thing you have compared to nothing.

Be apart of the inside group that gives you the kind of medical care and service only the rich have. 
 Why because you have access to a doctor 24 hours a day, 7 days week.  As often as you need to talk to a doctor.  You can talk with that doctor through web-cam, phone, or through email.  This service is top notch nothing compares to being able to talk to a doctor when you want to speak with a doctor.  I have personally used the service and the words like ,smooth,convenience, savings, and service come to mind. I have personally seen a lot of different programs online that promise you the moon but give you nothing in return.  This service is different and can really change peoples lives because of what means for the individual and their families. The other really cool thing I found out about this program.  Is you can refer 3 people and service is free.  Now I would like to add to the fact that you only need to refer 3 people one time, not every month. The service cost's $19.95 a month to be a member and to use the service. To be a consultant cost $39.95 a month that allows to you use the service and built your own business being able to make money. This service is very simple.  You are charged a monthly fee for access to top notch U.S. licensed, board-certified physicians who provide quality care for non-emergency medical needs.  This service costs nothing compared to what regular insurance cost per month. 

The Basic Service costs $ 19.95 a month.
To Be A Consultant costs $ 39.95 a month. 
The Basic and Consultant allow you to refer 3 and its free.

You can just use the service and pay the monthly fee or become active in the program be referring people to Webdocsnetwork.  So you are wondering whats the down side to all of this right?  There is no down side from what I have personally experienced.  If you like idea of paying a doctor every time you see them you go right ahead.  If you like the idea of co pays and deductibles you go right ahead and keep paying them.  The best part about Webdocsnetwork is you don't have any co pays or deductibles.  You pay a simple fee every month for unlimited access to a doctor 24 hours a day 7 days a week . WebDocsNetwork provides U.S. licensed, board-certified physicians who provide quality care for non-emergency medical needs.   If you refer 3 and its free.  These Doctors can prescribe prescriptions at drug store near you. There is a drug discount Rx prescription card that will work right along side your insurance discount.  Yes I said it will work with your insurance discount. That means double saves on prescriptions.

All in all Webdocsnetwork is a top notch service that gives you savings in the long run and even a way to make some money as well.  When is the last time that you can remember that your medical care paid you?  Do the words " NEVER "  come to mind.  All in All Webdocsnetwork is the real deal.  Its worth every penny you pay for the service.  There is a lot more detail I could go into but I think the videos on this blog will explain how the service really works.  Please feel free to contact me about any questions you may have about Tele Medicine or Websdocsnetwork.  You have a great day and take care.


This video below is a recorded call explaining the service and the business in detail.
Feel free to get in on one of these live webinar calls that runs 4 days a week. 
WebDocsNetwork Business Overview Call Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. 9:00pm ET, 8:00pm CT, 7:00pm MT, 6:00pm PT Dial in number 559-726-1200 Participant Code 397225 WebDocsNetwork Compensation Plan Call Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
After listening to one of the live webinar calls and you have made a choice to be apart of the WebDocsNetork. Please use one of  the links given through out this blog should say something like Signup link for WebDocsNetwork. Also please feel free to contact me using one of the ways I have given you at the top of the page on the right. It would be a honor help you become apart of the service and the program.

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