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Tele Medicne versus the insurance deductible.

I am not sure how to begin this article.  I have been talking with people all over the internet mostly on Facebook.  As I talk with more and more people I have come to the conclusion. If insurance companies keep doing what they are doing no one will be able to pay for their health care in the future. There is a new government health care plan passed by Congress. In this plan they tell us health care is free.  Except its not free, because all they are doing is making us get health care through a regular insurance company.  Which means we keep paying and paying and paying some more out of our pockets. 

Years a go many companies had a high deductible for their insurance still do. That high deductible use to cost about  $500.00 dollars a year. That was on the highest end.  That means the most a person would paid in a single year was $500.00 dollars out of pocket. That was around 20 years ago maybe a little longer. Now in 2012 on the high end we are starting to see between $5000.00 all the way up $12000.00 dollars a year for a deductible. I am sorry but after about $5000.00 dollars a year its like you have no insurance at all. You paid a huge amount of money every month for insurance. Then turn around and pay to the doctors office and pay at the drug store.  All of these costs come out of your pocket. If you are truly honest!

We pay insurance companies for peace of mind.  We hope that insurance will take care of us but in the end we are only told over and over again what our insurance company will not pay for.  All of that money is paid out over time to our insurance company.  For them to tell us we need to meet a deductible is robbery in my book. This is the same way banks write imaginary loans.  Then turn around and charge us interest on those imaginary loans. What do I mean by that statement?  Today it's common practice for a bank even if they have no money to a write loan of out of thin air. Why can they do that because they know the the government will just back up their imaginary loan.  So who is paying for all of this we are ( THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES ).  The same thing is happening with insurance we pay every month as a whole group. Yet we are told that we have to meet greater and greater deductibles every year.  At one point a person has to say I am being conned or taken to the cleaners, robbed. It just comes down to your day to day money every month.  Can a person pay full price to a doctor and pay all of that money to your insurance every month?  Some can but there are many who find themselves in a place where they do not have the extra money to pay for insurance, pay the doctor and pay the drug store. Is it right to live in country fill full of wealth. Yet we see people from to day to day on the verge of going with out food because of there medical care costs. You may be wondering what other options are there?

For the general public there were no options up to this point but now we have a Revolution of thought.  Taking the internet by storm.  It's called Tel e Medicine and its here to stay because the doctors around the country perhaps the world have bought into this service.  We are just now seeing the beginnings of a wide spread use of online medicine. Trust me when I say this.  As doctors start to see all of the uses of Tel e Medicine as time goes you will see a transformation over the health care industry. The uses of online medical care will be vast and common place. This means that a good portion of the time talking to the doctor will be a simple phone call a way or a online web cam.  Unless there are tests or procedures involved. Most questions could be handled over the phone or through a web cam. Those doctors can prescribe prescriptions and handle script issues as well. 

Tel e Medicine is the next big revolution of convenience coming to the average person on the internet. Tel e Medicine gives back to the patient freedom, liberty and choice.  With Tel e Medicine you have a choice of when you use your insurance and meet your deductible or not. With Tel e Medicine you have options even if you have no insurance. This medical service is the next cell phone of convenience in health care. With Tel e Medicine you have no deductibles to meet or co-pays.  You pay for a simple monthly service. You are given access to board certified doctors 24 hours a day 7days a week.

All in all Tel e Medicine is a revolution of thought thinking outside the box on the health care question and insurance.  Be apart of the Revolution. The time to take back your freedom is now.  Stop playing the insurance game that they want you to play. Online Medical Care is the next big thing that people are going to go too because of convenience and time savings. JOIN THE THIS ONLINE MEDICAL REVOLUTION that gives power back to the patient. Where you are aloud choose the time and place you talk to a doctor.

WebDocsNetwork is a Tel E Medicine service that I can recommend because of the quality and the price.
Be apart of solution instead of the problem.  Join this health care Revolution of convenience.